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Running A Paperless Clinical Trial From Start to Finish

Presented by: Shannon Cooke, Project Manager, Transperfect; Eric Levie, Chief Technology Officer, Clinical Research Advantage


  • Clinical Trial Regulation Changes
  • Clinical Trial Challenges
  • Myths, Apprehensions & Real Life Considerations
  • Practical Tips


Clinical Trial Regulation Changes

  • EMA Reflection Paper
    • Changes from sponsors that promote paperless direction
    • Need for investigative site files to be remote and auditable/available for inspection
  • Electronic Source Documents / Health Records
  • Europe: Moving to Virtual Systems
  • FDA No Longer Requires Wet Signatures


Clinical Trial Challenges

  • Too Many Vendors - Streamline site activities into a single solution
  • Inefficient Reporting Methods
  • Too Much Paper at the Site
  • Excessive Onsite Monitoring Time
  • Cumbersome Study Records Archival/Retrieval
    • Efficient use of technology can improve the process of study closeout


Myths, Apprehensions & Real Life Considerations

  • Myth: Increase in training time to implement a paperless system
  • Solutions: Employees experienced with online systems should be mandatory during the hiring process
  • Sites facilitate 1-2 global studies before they bow out of the clinical trial space due to cost inefficiencies:
    • Paperless trials are easier to run and streamline
    • Greater participants in more studies results in more responsibility in documents - paperless systems have more organization
  • Sites will be audited
    • Sites using paperless systems are more organized and efficient
      • Reports
      • All movement in the eTMF is auditable - with full trial audit
    • Paperless systems take up little space
      • Elimination of massive filing cabinets


Practical Tips

  • Increase competitiveness as a site
    • Increase changes of being chosen to participate in a study by becoming digital
  • Start small: Utilize CTMS
    • Increase chances of being chosen to participate in a study by becoming paperless
  • Staff those who are more technologically advanced
    • Those with experience with digital systems/web-based tools will prove to be more valuable
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